Gahhhhh, I haven't made a photo update in so long. Having my phone stolen means that I lost a lot of picture & videos. :[ Mostly of Maddox. It breaks my heart. Luckily I DID upload a lot of them before my phone was snatched away by an evil cab driver.
And I do love my new phone... the outside is just not nearly as nerdy & exciting. *sigh* But hey, now I can get a TARDIS cover! WEEEE!!! Or something equally awesome.
Ok now, onto my pics / what the hell we've been up to.. (ugh preposition).
My favorite little boys in the world.. my son, Maddox & my godson, Xekan.
Bailey + Xekan...... and PRAYING MANTIS on our porch!!!
Carrie & Galen got Maddox a pretty awesome double sided marker board / chalk board. We play school with it!
Our good friend Devon got married a few weeks ago! The wedding was GORGEOUS. It was at
Half-Mile Farm in Highlands, NC. They rented out the ENTIRE farm for the occasion. Holy crappppppp, it was soooooo nice. Everything was so laid back. There were tons of kids, tons of cool people / new friends, tons of delicious food, tons of cocktails!! And TONS of love.
The cabin areas were so cool. There were all kinds of little Hobbit hang out areas.
This is where we stayed!! :D That bed was heaven.
Devon's son, Flynn, walked her down the aisle. I CRIED.
The couple.. they giggled and cried a little the whole time. AND they both come with 2 children each from previous marriages, sooo after Devon & Bob said they're vows, they all took FAMILY vows. I LOVED that. It was so beautiful & the girls.. omg they are just so excited to be SISTERS now!! ♥
The beautiful couple!!!!
Maddox resting in the grass... And Devon's tattoo that I FINALLY remembered to take a picture of.. it's a woman giving birth.. you can't see her arms or legs really in this picture but she's holding her legs up on the sides there. I love it.
It was such a lovely wedding. And I reeeeeally want to go back to that farm! It was so pretty & peaceful!
Our trip to the little nature park / zoo here in Athens. Maddox fed the ducks!
Xekan's 1st Birthday Party!!!
Thing 1 & Thing 2 cupcakes + favor boxes!
Cake & homemade topper (Shy did a great job!!) + backdrop for photos!
♥ lil smushy face ♥
This freakin kidddddddddddddd ♥. I love him so much. I can't believe he's already a year old!!! *tear*
My friend Maryjane & her son, Issaiah, came into town the last 2 weekends. Her & her husband are buying a house up here!!! I'm SO excited!!! I ♥ Maryjane! I met her when we lived in Hinesville... I actually met her in line for (DON'T LAUGH) New Moon..... ok, laugh. ;] She was pretty much one of the only cool people I met while we lived there. So yeah, I'm stoked on them moving up here!!
Playing in the backyard while Maryjane checks out the house!
Mutated peaNUT. har harrrrrrr
We made birthday cards for Ethan & Sally! (My mother-in-law & brother-in-law! They have the same birthday!!)
Issaiah's grandma threw him an early mini birthday party at our complex's playground!!
Issaiah & Tommy
LOL Maddox... and a very shadowy pic of Issaiah & Maddox.
SHADOWS!! Maryjane with Issaiah & her brother, Tyler.... and Tommy's SUPERPOUT.
Issaiah & his 'Thor hammer'.. hahaha
Ashlyn & Issaiah's Batman mask!
The Batman cake! Happy 4th birthday, Issaiah!! (We are all in full-fledged Batman mode, can you tell? haha)
And on a sad note, the dog I got when I was 14, my darling little Tater, died this weekend. She was the coolest dog on the planet. I shit you not. God, I loved her. When I moved to New York, my uncle moved her into their house. She had acres upon acres to run around on & a bunch of couches & beds to sleep on. I miss her every day still. I honestly don't know if I'll ever own another dog after her. ♥
I used to try to make my hair match hers. And we would regularly wear matching barrettes. ♥ Love you Tater Baby. ♥